You Should Speak in Tongues (Part 1)
When it comes to the spiritual graces, what I refer to as the manifestations there are many arguments and disagreements about these. So why do I speak in tongues?
Green, Blue, and Black
Ski Areas have a smart way to tell skiers the type of terrain they may be facing. Even the Ski Area map shows the runs by these three colors and…
Let the Little Children Come
I have visited a variety of nations and have discovered something - children are much the same, especially young children. They love to play, sing, eat and agitate each other.…
Carrying Water For Them
When I was a child I heard an expression, "Carrying someones water." I understood it to be a metaphor for carrying someones load. It wasn't until I went to Africa…
Support of Foreigners, Widows and Children
During the Covid-19 crisis, many countries completely shutdown. For countries like Uganda, which is a cash society this was devastating. Love Sojourner Church partnered to help feed people in various…